HSMA Solo and Ensemble 2025


What’s the purpose of this festival?
To give students a performance opportunity along with a “mini lesson” with a expert musician outside of HSMA. There are no ratings, no scales, no sight reading, no piano accompaniment required, and this is not a competition.  It is simply a way to allow students to get good feedback on a piece of music they’ve prepared so they can possibly learn another approach to the piece or some new techniques to try on their instrument.  Each participant will also receive a certificate of participation.

What do I do?

Prepare a piece of music to play for a judge and bring a copy of the music for the judge.  You will receive written and verbal feedback about your performance.  Vocalists doing YAC S&E are required to perform two pieces, at our HSMA festival that’s up to you.  
Where and When is it?
The festival will be held Saturday Feb 22, 2025 at Faith Bible Church (5211 W St Joseph Hwy, Lansing, MI 48917).  We will start at about 8:30AM and finish at about 4:30PM.
Who can participate?  
Anyone!  This is not limited to any particular age or grade levels.  Any student, from beginners to high school seniors are welcome.  You can even invite older siblings, parents, or grandparents to participate with you!
How much does it cost?
Depends on the event.  Solos are $10, duets are $12 total ($6 per participant), trios are $15 ($5 per participant), Quartets are $16 ($4 per participant) and larger ensembles are $4 per participant.
When should I sign up?
Right now!  Or at least before Feburary 4th.
I have questions, who should I talk to?
Mr Benson – you can email him at benso1pf@gmail.com
Please complete ONE entry form per EVENT (a solo is one event, a duet is one event, etc).  If multiple families are involved in an ensemble, please give money to the family who completes the registration so that family can pay Mr Benson in full.
Please make checks out to “Phil Benson” and put them in a LABELED envelope.  You can give the envelope to Mrs Bidlack at rehearsal.  Please do NOT put your payment in the HSMA billing box – billing for this event is handled outside of normal HSMA billing.  You can also mail or do electronic payment to Mr Benson – contact him at benso1pf@gmail.com with questions. 
HSMA S&E Registration