
We believe that music is a gift from God, and that the truest expressions of this gift bring glory back to Him.

We desire to be able to provide opportunities for homeschooled students to develop their gifts and abilities in the area of music in a setting that embodies Christian principles and beliefs, treating one another with the grace and truth that Jesus Christ has shown to us.

Our hope and desire is that as they grow in their musical abilities, that students will not only grow personally, but use their gifts to bless others. With this in mind, we commit to the mission statement that follows.

Mission Statement

HSMA exists to make an excellent music education in ensemble performance available to homeschooled students and to give desiring students the best possible foundation for the furtherance of their music education beyond the high school level.

We will do this by:

  • Providing experienced and accomplished conductors that can help students to improve and grow musically as a group while caring for them as individuals
  • Offering band, choir and orchestra ensemble groups at various levels, providing an environment where students can continue to be challenged as they mature in their music
  • Offering performance opportunities in ensembles at concerts and ministry events
  • Encouraging students to include private lessons as part of their music education, knowing that as each individual improves, it improves the groups at HSMA as well
  • Making students aware of and encouraging them to participate in events outside of HSMA that will further expand their musical experiences
  • Making leadership, volunteer and service opportunities available for those students who seek to grow in their servant leadership
  • Recognizing students who have gone above and beyond in their musical education and/or abilities, which in turn both helps such students as they pursue musical opportunities beyond HSMA and gives younger students something to aspire to
  • Providing a safe and encouraging environment for students to be amongst their musical peers, learning from, serving and being challenged by one another
  • Fostering a love of music by having fun together and encouraging comradery and friendship amongst the students and conductors
  • Encouraging parents to be involved both in the music education of their children and in the successful operation of HSMA


HSMA is open to all students who meet all of the following criteria:

  • A parent is their primary educator
  • They are home schooled for at least 50% of their credits (excluding advanced placement college courses)
  • All of their core subjects are taught within the home school community. Participation in homeschool co-ops, or advanced placement college courses meets this requirement
  • They are not participating in any other public or private school music program
Commitment to Schedule

Many people don’t think of Band, Choir, or Orchestra as a team sport, yet that is exactly what our ensemble experience is. When a vital member of the team is absent from a critical rehearsal or performance, the rest of the team and the entire organization suffers.

While we can’t foresee everything that may come up during the HSMA season, it is important to commit to rehearsal and performance schedules. If an unforeseen event does come up, it is the student’s responsibility to make the conductor aware of the situation just as soon as possible. Absence from a final rehearsal before a performance may disqualify a student from the performance. Regular absences from key rehearsals and/or performances may necessitate a re-evaluation with the conductor and the parents about continued participation in the HSMA performing group from which the absences occurred. Absences should be reported by emailing the Communications Director.
Service Commitment

Because HSMA exists to equip our students musically to serve the Lord and others, we rely on the volunteer efforts of our member families.  Serving is one of our core values and highest priorities.

Therefore, each family must commit to two HSMA service opportunities for the upcoming school year. These range from weekly set-up and tear-down to assisting at performances to towing the percussion trailer.  Certain recurring tasks, such as coordinator position, conductor assistant, etc., fulfill your service commitment for the year. If you sign-up to assist at a concert, you must check in with the performance coordinator and you must complete your work assignment.  

We encourage every family to take responsibility in this area.  While we would rather that you serve, the consequence of not fulfilling your service commitment is an added $75 fee to your family account. The HSMA Treasurer will keep the books open until the end of all service opportunities.  Please help us keep HSMA running smoothly by meeting your service commitment.

Sign-up occurs at the Parent Meeting.
Payment of tuition and fees

Registration is to be completed online.  An invoice will be sent out after the 2nd week of class. Due dates will be included in the email. *  Checks may be made payable to HSMA and put in the tan box at the check-in table or mailed to:

P.O. Box 171
St. Johns, MI 48879

Payments can also be made to the HSMA Venmo account that is located on the HSMA website.

Fundraising money may be used for all expenses except for initial registration fee and first semester tuition (unless an account balance is present from the prior year).  Late or nonpayment of fees will result in a $25 late fee penalty (maximum one per semester); failure to make payment arrangements if overdue may result in suspension from HSMA until the account is paid.  *If unable to pay initial costs, please contact our treasurer to make payment arrangements.  There will be a $20 finance fee per family per semester to arrange delayed payments.  

Conduct and Dress

HSMA is very, very grateful to those who let us use their facilities for rehearsals, performances and other activities.  Very often these facilities are provided at a reduced cost.  It is important that everyone who is associated with HSMA dress and conduct themselves at all times in a manner worthy of believers in Jesus Christ. This includes our students, parents, and other siblings who happen to be at the rehearsal location who are not HSMA students.  The testimony of our individual families, of HSMA, and indeed of homeschoolers in general is reflected in the way we dress, speak, and behave while at these facilities.

Everyone associated with HSMA needs to respect the facilities where activities take place.  There should be no rowdiness, no defacing of property, and no roughhousing.  Please do not litter, and if you see something out of place, please take appropriate action (pick up trash that you see lying around and dispose of it properly, for example, even if you did not place it there).  Please respect authorities and other participants by being polite and observing proper boy-girl conduct.
All HSMA members are to respect the property of others.  Unless you have been given permission by the owner or an HSMA official or conductor, do not handle, move or touch any instrument which does not belong to you.  This also applies to music stands and any other personal property which is not your own.

All children who are not part of a rehearsal must be within eyesight of an adult who is specifically responsible for that child (ideally a parent).  It is important to note that there is a difference between a parent and their child being in the same building and a parent supervising their child.  Unsupervised children will not be permitted.

Rehearsal Gear (HSMA-issued T-shirt) must be worn for all rehearsals so that the logo is visible. Shorts or skirts must cover the knees when seated. If a student arrives without Rehearsal Gear, a new shirt will be provided and the family account will be charged $10. In addition to the current HSMA shirt, other acceptable T-shirts include those which were earned as a result of activities stemming from HSMA involvement in the following: BJU, MMC, MYAF, S&E;, Tour, and previous years’ rehearsal gear.

Lost or Damaged Music

It is HSMA’s goal to provide an enriching and God-honoring musical environment for our members. It is also our desire to teach good stewardship of the music with which they have been entrusted. Providing suitable music is a considerable expense and a large portion of the HSMA budget.  Each year, music is lost or damaged beyond use, and must be replaced.

When music is issued to a student, it is expected that it will be maintained in good condition (useable in following years) and returned to the conductor when so indicated. Therefore, there will be a charge of $5 or a single piece of lost music (or damaged beyond use) and $25 for an entire folder of music.


Concert Etiquette


  • Don’t whisper or talk during a performance.  Cell phones off or set to vibrate, please!
  • Enter and exit your seat only between selections and only when absolutely necessary.  If possible, wait until the audience is applauding before moving.  The only exception to this is if you are coughing or need to remove a restless or crying child.  If young children become noisy and disrupt others’ ability to listen, please take them outside the auditorium.
  • Be punctual and enter the auditorium before the concert begins.  Please be seated and stay for the entire performance.  No standing in the back talking.  Listen attentively.
First offense = a verbal warning to student and a call to parent
Second offense = written warning to student and parent
Third offense = student is excused until student and parent meet with reinstatement committee